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Marbach Group
8. April 2020

We support hospitals with extraordinary activities. And protect our employees.

Special situations require special actions. In view of current events, we are intensively engaged in the question of how we can support facilities such as hospitals, nursing homes, etc., but also how we can protect our employees. In addition to door handle hooks for employees, which we manufacture ourselves at our Heilbronn site and which are already actively in use, we are currently producing special face shields which are used in hospitals.

Peter Marbach, Managing Partner of the Marbach Group: "During a conversation with Thomas Weber, Managing Director of the SLK–Kliniken, the group of public hospitals in Heilbronn, he told us that protection masks and face shields are absolutely not available at the moment. A difficult situation for medical facilities. As a manufacturer of cutting-dies and thermoforming tools, we took up this topic immediately. Our engineer, Philipp Rüger, took care of this special project. We still had stock of leftover material from which we made the prototype of a face shield. This face shield kit was made available to the SLK-Kliniken for testing purposes."

The doctors and nurses tested the face shields and requested 2,000 more of them.

Marbach is currently producing many of these shields. 2,000 shields are sent to SLK-Kliniken Heilbronn GmbH, further orders and inquiries from medical institutions all over southern Germany have been received. At the moment, the shields are still being made available to the respective institutions free of charge as long as the material lasts. If required, Marbach can produce further shields at any time.

All current news about actions at Marbach concerning the Covid-19 pandemic can be found here.

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