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15. December 2016

Social responsibility of the Marbach Group. CSR review 2016.

As a family owned business, the Marbach Group is taking responsibility for the coming generations. Sustainability has shaped the corporate philosophy of this globally active company for many years. With regards to this, much has been done in 2016, too. 

Heilbronn declaration
In 2012 Marbach signed the “Heilbronn declaration for the social responsibility of medium-sized companies in business” (Heilbronner Erklärung). The participating companies agree with this voluntary self-commitment to fulfill their social responsibilities – beyond the legal requirements and minimum standards. And to commit themselves both ecologically and  socially. In this context, Marbach released its first CSR report in 2015. In 2016, further meetings with the participating companies of the “Heilbronn declaration” took place. The new CSR report 2016/17 is in the pipeline and will be compiled in the near future. 

Principles of Purchasing
The internal CSR measures focused this year on the suppliers. The new principles of purchase now also take the suppliers up on their promise. Marbach wants to see that important CSR activities are not only implemented in the company itself, but also within the whole supply chain. So that only products and services will be offered, in which social, ecological as well as economical principles have been adhered to in the production process. From now on, these factors will also be monitored within the supplier audit.

Energy audit
In order to decrease energy consumption at Marbach and to improve energy efficiency, Marbach performed an energy audit in accordance with DIN EN 16247-1 in 2016. In consequence of which energy and environmental measures as well as investments for 2017 have been defined. These deal mainly with the topic of compressed air, with the focus on building a central compressed air system and a new absorption dryer system. But also the further implementation of an LED lighting concept, optimizations of the heating loop and the higher utilization of the heat recovery system are significant elements in the Marbach concept. In addition there will be expansion of the measurement infrastructure, to identify new approaches for additional energy saving projects. 

Collection of used mobile phones
Under the motto “your old mobile phone is too valuable for the trash…” Marbach employees collected used and broken phones in June. The collected mobile phones have been recycled within the project “mobile phones for the environment” – an initiative of the German Environmental Help organization and the Telekom. In addition, Marbach donated the equivalent value of this mobile phone collection for the children’s hospice service of the foundation “Große Hilfe für kleine Helden” (“Big Help for Small Heroes”). This foundation supports sick children and their families during and after their stay at the Heilbronn children’s hospital, and is financed by donations as well as endowments. 

Presents for those in need
Especially during the pre-Christmas season, social commitment is very important. Traditionally Marbach donates 10.000 euros to regional and international aid projects. This year’s donation was for the association “Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe e.V.” (Help to Help Themselves”). With this donation, people in Grand-Anse, Haiti - whose province was heavily damaged by Hurricane Matthew - will be supported in rebuilding their livelihoods. The regional donation supports the project “food sponsorships” of the Deutsche Kinderschutzbund, Kreisverband Heilbronn e.V. (Heilbronn Child Protection Association).

Furthermore Marbach has made efforts for socially vulnerable people in the Heilbronn area. So that these people can get a Christmas present, Marbach asked its employees to contribute at a very special Christmas activity. Marbach employees could choose a gift from a special wish list from these people in need. They then bought and gift-wrapped them. The presents were collected shortly before Christmas and handed over to the association “Leinenlos e.V.”. They were then distributed to the needy people at the Leinenlos-Christmas party. But that’s not all: in addition, Marbach donated the value of the collected gifts to the association. 

Besides this year’s focus topics, Marbach has been taking responsibility throughout the year. Through environmentally friendly products such as the greenplate. The use of bio plastics. And the use of renewable energies. This is because extending and furthering environmental sustainability are core values for the Marbach Group. During the year to come this will be continued with many new and exciting projects. 

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