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29. April 2021

Reduced set-up times and efficient processes when die-cutting folding cartons: the Marbach Performance Package.

Marbach supports its customers in achieving the best performance in packaging production. Now, the diemaker has launched a special service package to increase performance "centering on the die-cutting process": the Marbach Performance Package.

Tina Dost, Innovation Management at Marbach: "Our customers, the packaging manufacturers, are under enormous pressure to reduce costs. They must produce more and more efficiently in order to survive in the market. Time pressure on them is also increasing, with ever smaller quantities involved, which means that machines have to be re-tooled more and more often. All of this means that short set-up times are becoming increasingly important. We seek to support our customers in meeting this challenge, which is why we have introduced the Performance Package."

The Performance Package consists of five modules: Analysis & Planning, tooling technology, Machine Upgrades, Machine Environment and Training. First, the set-up process at the packaging manufacturer is filmed from different angles. In this way, processes are objectively recorded. Then, the set-up process is sequenced and analyzed with the help of special video editing software and the savings potential calculated in minute detail. Then experienced Marbach application technicians inspect the machine and its environment. In this way, they can identify connections and work out the causes for inefficient setups. The results are then presented to the customer and discussed. 

Dost continues: "Of course, our customers also receive a written report of the results which is documented with video sequences. A concrete plan with recommendations for action together with estimated improvement potential is included in the Performance Package."

The Marbach Performance Package is unique in its design: a systematic approach in combination with the video support. Aided by this concept, Marbach customers can achieve smoother processes, ensure safety in packaging production, work more productively and thus remain competitive in a highly competitive market. 

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