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16. February 2017

Machines from the cutting-die manufacturer for the cutting-die manufacturer. Marbach success in machine sales.

The Marbach Group supplies cutting-die manufacturers with machines and tools under the name of Marbach Automation & Service. 

Samuel Vial, Sales director at Marbach Automation & Service: “We have sold large numbers of machines during the last year. Both within the Marbach Group and on the international market. Our main products have been laser systems and milling machines. And we already have received substantial machine orders for 2017. Moreover, we continuously work on expanding our service. Because this is the only way that we can offer our customers optimal support.”

But what has characterized Marbach machines? Why has the Heilbronn-based company, that produces mainly cutting-dies for the packaging industry, been so successful with its business unit Automation & Service?

Vial continues: “Since we produce cutting-dies ourselves, we know as no one else, what requirements a machine for the cutting-die manufacturing must meet. We develop machines on point. With our smart line, we offer cost-efficient machines for small cutting-die manufacturers and inhouse die shops. Of course in the expected Marbach quality. The machines in the high-end segment appeal to the larger cutting-die producers and those, who have highest quality demands. So we have the right solution for every customer requirement.”

Already since 1999 Marbach has been making its machine technologies available to the market. In line with the motto: “from the cutting-die manufacturer for the cutting-die manufacturer” Marbach offers tailored solutions for every requirement in the global market.

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