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Marbach Group
5. June 2020

Action|M. Marbach employees donate 4,000 Euro

For the Marbach Group, Corona was the trigger for an extraordinary idea. True to the motto "For our community. And to help those who need help." Marbach has encouraged its employees to take part in a very special action, the ACTION|M. 

Every week there was a different product of the week which the employees could pick up at two central delivery points. The rare goods were not distributed completely free of charge, but against a voluntary donation. The complete donation of Action|M was handed over on 02nd June. In the presence of Marianne Franz, Peter Marbach and José Sanchez handed over the so far unopened donation boxes to Alexandra Gutmann of Nordstadtkids. An incredible 4,000 Euro were collected by the Marbach employees. 

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