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19. July 2017

Marbach Match-Metal tool MT|easy speed. Enthusiastic customer reports.

Marbach Tool Manufacturing (Werkzeugbau) is experiencing increasing success with its tool MT|easy speed. This Marbach tool is becoming more and more established on the market. Worldwide.

One of our satisfied customers is the Turan Plastics company in Istanbul. With an annual production of 18,000 tons of different plastic packaging, Turan is one of the biggest family-owned thermoforming product manufacturers in Turkey.

After a three-month testing period, Mr. Yusuf Turan, owner of Turan Plastics, relates how impressed he is about the Marbach tool: “Through the application of MT|easy speed, we have not only a consistent wall thickness, but also a better material distribution in our thermoformed products. The make-ready time of the tool is very short and the tool handling exceptionally good. The quick-change system allows set-up in a very short time period, which increases production efficiency. We have a 10% higher productivity with the Marbach tools, compared to other tool manufacturers. Our process is more stable, and we save energy costs through the highly efficient mould cooling.”

Due to the many advantages of MT|easy speed, Turan will continue to rely on this Marbach technology in the future.

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