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15. January 2018

Corporate Social Responsibility at Marbach. Activities in 2017.

Marbach has also taken on more social responsibility in the past year 2017. Marbach is currently revising its Corporate Social Responsibility report. The company is deeply involved in the topic of sustainability.

With regard to the topic of ecology, Marbach has developed its own philosophy: under the name of marbagreen which it understands as all activities related to ecological sustainability. In addition to an energy audit, which was carried out last year and which led to many new measures being implemented, energy concepts such as concrete core temperature control in the Heilbronn building or solar cells ensure energy savings. 

In the social sector, Marbach is very active on behalf of children. Because they are the adults of tomorrow. Birgit Schuster, Personnel Officer at Marbach: "It is very important to us that we help children to be inquisitive. And to help them develop positively. We want each and every child to have the chance of a bright future. In order to help children in their development, we participate in various social activities every year."

In the kindergarten year 2016/17, for example, Marbach carried out a joint project with the day-care center Kinderbunt. All kindergarten children who were enrolled at school in 2017 were allowed to participate. A total of 8 children together with Marbach trainees from the first year of apprenticeship investigated natural phenomena in a total of 6 meetings as part of the project "Little Researchers". From “Air is not nothing ", "Dissolved substances are not gone ", to "Absorbability and what lies behind it ", many apparently mysterious secrets were able to be solved. The children were taught the first scientific basics with experiments and games. The five-year-olds were full of enthusiasm. Some experiments even turned into water fights. Needless to say the project was a lot of fun for everyone involved! 

A further activity was the participation in the so called "Frühchenfest" (party for premature infants). On the 14th of July 2017, the association "Große Hilfe für kleine Helden e. V." (Big Help for Little Heroes) organized this festival once again at the SLK hospital Gesundbrunnen in Heilbronn. It is intended for children who were born prematurely and therefore have often had to spend long periods of time in hospital. 240 parents with 130 children came. The infants received a sticker with their name and weight at the entrance. The smallest and lightest premature infant weighed only 430 g at birth. After Marbach had donated to the charity "Große Hilfe für kleine Helden e. V." in 2016, it became involved in 2017, together with 6 other companies from the Heilbronner Erklärung, as a helper at the festival. Marbach provided staff for the distribution of cold drinks, coffee and cake. Despite a brief rainstorm, it turned out to be a wonderful party for the premature infants and their families.

Other social projects that Marbach supported in 2017 in the form of donations were: construction of the Kindersolbad in Bad Friedrichshall and support of needy people in Chad.

The Kindersolbad Bad Friedrichshall is an institution that cares for children and young people who are not fortunate enough to grow up in a stable family environment. With the donation of 3,000 euros, Marbach will equip the common rooms of a new building in which 12 children will be accommodated in the future.

With a donation of 7,000 euros to the organization Help - Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe e. V. (Help - Help for Self-Help) wells will be built in Chad to supply more than 50,000 people with clean drinking water. However Marbach's donation will be multiplied. Through an initiative of the German Federal Foreign Office, every euro Marbach donates, an extra 10 euros will go to Chad.  

In 2017, Marbach took on more social responsibility and that will be documented in the new CSR report.

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